Monday, May 28, 2012

Picture Tattoo Is Foundation Of A Great Tattoo

Tattoo Picture

When we look at the picture tattoos must first consider the various types of tattoos available so we can make a decision on which design to go, including consideration for choosing tattoo designs custom or pre-made. Here are some suggestions that you may want to look for tattoo drawings or even come up with your own: 

Kanji Tattoo

This is coming from China and consists of images (symbols) that represent meaning. This can be tricky to find a Kanji tattoo that has a meaning that makes sense. More important perhaps is the consideration of whether the meaning is most suitable for men or women.

Dragon tattoos

It is popular and will come back into fashion. These tattoos have different types of dragons from the traditional to the dragon myth.


Custom Tattoo

Instead of choosing a design that has been set, you can get a custom tattoo design or tattoo and have it done by a professional tattoo artist. These tattoos can truly reflect the personality of people who have chosen a custom tattoo that means something to them. Before deciding on a custom tattoo that is right for you are strongly advised to see a lot of tattoo pictures and designs. You can always get it altered for uniqueness. Designers also may be able to assist you in choosing a custom tattoo.

 Small Tattoos

It's very popular to cover blemishes and birthmarks. They are also popular with people getting their first tattoo.

Tribal Tattoos

Coming from the tribal tattoos are classified as or called Tribal Tattoos. They have been around for thousands of years and is still popular in modern society despite the fact that most people no longer belong to the tribe. They are strongly associated with the history and culture.

There are many types of tattoos on the market. The key is to look at a lot of tattoo pictures and designs to determine the theme of which will go to. You then want to seek the services of a good tattoo artist to create the design you choose reality. Bring along a picture or design your own tattoo is a great base for artists to work with you in implementing the design.

Removal Laser Tattoos

We all know that tattoos are more popular than ever. The bad news is that many people regret their tattoos for various reasons. The good news is that laser tattoo removal into a form more acceptable to erase past mistakes.

There are several reasons why people want to remove their tattoos, but mostly because of youth affairs:

Persons intending to join the military would want to remove their tattoos because any tattoos or brands located anywhere on the head or face is prohibited by the U.S. Army (NOTE: the Army may relax this restriction somewhat to increase the recruitment Check with your recruiter. More detail. ).

Women may want to remove the tattoo on their ankle or foot so that they can wear nylons in the workplace.

Or do not appear to exist as a job interview looking like gang members and wonder you never get any call backs!

Laser is the most popular method of tattoo removal today. Laser tattoo removal has generally better results, less pain and less chance of scarring. But it is NOT a guarantee everything will work out perfectly. As always, KNOW YOUR RISK!

I think the easiest way to explain how laser tattoo removal works is, when you get a tattoo, the ink particles remain on the skin because it is too large for your tissue to remove. What it does is emit a short pulse laser, but the strong light that breaks the ink pigment into tiny particles, which are more easily removed by the immune system for several weeks and months after laser treatment.

The number of laser treatments to remove unwanted tattoos vary depending on the type of ink used, how deep the ink is injected and the location of the tattoo. Also, keep in mind that a professional tattoo is much more difficult to remove a tattoo from the "street". That's because the professionals use better quality ink and tattoo equipment to ensure and minimize fading of the tattoo.

Color ink is a major factor in determining how many laser treatments you'll need to remove the tattoo. Black and blue tattoos are the easiest to remove, while green and yellow pigments are the most difficult.

Laser tattoo removal process will require laser treatment usually anywhere from 4 to 12 spaced out 5 weeks. These parameters can change so be sure to discuss this with a laser technician.

Laser treatment can be painful and usually laser technician will apply or recommend a topical anesthetic or "numbing cream" to reduce skin sensitivity to laser pulses BEFORE the process starts.

One thing to remember is that laser tattoo removal can destroy hair follicles. So if you want to have a tattoo removed from an area where there are like hair growth, you may need to manually extract all follicles prior to treatment. Again, check with your laser technician to determine your appropriate risk.

Surprisingly in most areas, there is no licensing or certification required to operate the laser tattoo removal. Laser was originally designed for use by doctors only - but the last modification to make this device simple enough for anyone to learn to use and perform.

Your laser technician should ask relevant questions about a medical history and medications currently prescribed. This is because certain medical conditions and medications will create hazardous exposure to laser treatment for you.

You can expect to see some redness, swelling, blistering, bruising, bleeding or scabbing specify in the treated area. And the treated area will feel warm for several hours after treatment.

Your laser technician will give you after care instructions such as applying an ice pack for an hour or more ... and keep the treated area clean. The technician may tell you to stay out of the sun and avoid tanning bed for a while.


In short, laser tattoo removal is more acceptable today. As always, perform due diligence when looking to have your unwanted tattoo removed. Ensure office equipment is cleaned and ... and technicians are experienced and knowledgeable about the process of laser tattoo removal.

This process does not involve pain and require some care to be successful. There is always a chance the laser will leave a scar. There are several parameters that will determine how many laser treatments will be needed to remove your unwanted tattoos. Be remember that there is no guarantee complete tattoo removal because so many different brands of tattoo ink. And gradually, you will see your tattoo fade.

Are You Looking For Small Tattoo Designs

There are many people on the internet today are looking for small tattoo designs. This great little tattoos that can be used to cover birthmarks, scars, stains or other parts of the tattoo. Small tattoo designs are also great for people getting their first tattoo. However, if you get a small tattoo designs done to you then you want to think carefully about the design you want. There are several things to consider before deciding on the exact design you want and especially if a small tattoo.

The first thin you want to consider is where you get a tattoo. What is the specification of the size you want. Certainly the work of a small but tattoo artist tattoo design will need to know then just a little more specific. It can help to get out a ruler and actually measure the size of the tattoo design you want. Another consideration with small tattoos and there actual size is the location of the tattoo. For example, small tattoo designs for the overall return will be too big for feet.


It is also important when considering a small tattoo design to think about the amount of space available. It is important to think about the overall design of the space and the space between the elements of design as well. When the little things that they can quickly become too much and crowded. Looks clean and simple usually works best with small tattoo because it would leave enough room for everything to be seen clearly.

Another thing to consider with any tattoo is long term. Of course you might want a small tattoo with a very smooth and lots of intricate detail. But considering the amount of time you will have a tattoo. Tattoos are pretty much forever, so the original tattoo work can begin to spread through the skin. The problem is the lines begin to blend together and one can quickly lose the subtle complexity of the tattoo from time to time. So it is important to think about this when planning out the design.

Another consideration when looking for small tattoo designs is the amount of detail. Small tattoo is less detail that can be inserted into it. If you want a tattoo design is very elegant with lots of small complicated it will be pretty much impossible.

If you are getting tattoos to cover scars, stains or other tattoo then it takes careful planning and measurements to get the right size you are after. It is important of course to cover the entire area and did not have anything left.

Small tattoo designs are great and also very popular. They work very well for people looking to get their first tattoo and can work well for an experienced tattoo customer as well. The most important thing to consider though when getting a small tattoo designs is the amount of detail that needs to go into a tattoo. These details will usually predict the size of the tattoo.

Need Ideas Tattoo? Tattoo Designs and Ideas

Need Tattoo Idea or Design? Well you have come to the right place. With the growing popularity of tattoos, you can not help but think about getting one. One thing that you want to make sure you do is get a tattoo idea that you would like an eternity, as a permanent tattoo. Unless of course you are willing to pay lots of money to get it removed.

You may have a large tattoo idea but can not find a design or picture that you really want to go and enough to finish it. Some people find tattoo designs for several months before they finally get one. The basic idea when getting a tattoo is that you really should do some research and find something you like. Whatever you do, do not just go to a tattoo parlor and choose one of their tattoo designs and finish. You should spend some time and think about design. Here are some possible solutions.

Research your tattoo idea. Often times you may have some idea about the exact tattoo you want, then you drill a few tattoo designs are the same and you find one you like better. This is one big reason why you should not just pick a tattoo idea of ??tattoo parlor books. While many people have an idea in mind for their tattoos, some people consider Japanese or Chinese characters. You can spell the name or something special for you. So you see, the tattoo does not always have to be a picture of something. This should really anything you want, after all it is your body. Do not get a tattoo just because you see a cool tattoo.

Once you research the tattoo idea is a good idea to browse the internet for other possible tattoo designs. You never know, you can find new ideas that you like better than the old one. This is why research is very useful because you do not want to go get a tattoo and then find a moon tattoo exceptional design your first and regret later. Many search engines will help you out tremendously. Just try a search on google for "tattoo ideas". You'll get some great tattoo ideas.

Now that you have to choose a tattoo design you may want to go and find a decent tattoo artist. It can be difficult. You do not just want to get your tattoo in the living room you walk into the first. Again, research is key. Ask people you know where they got their tattoos and how the artist. Many times you can find a tattoo artist who will draw your tattoo idea so you can visualize how it will look once on your skin.

If you follow these steps you will appreciate that in the long run. Just because you have a tattoo idea now does not mean there is nothing better out there. Do you research and choose something you like.

Christians and Tattoo

A man who has a tattoo shop located in the city center to contact me. More about him in an instant.

After reading the answer, I can not seem to get the subject of tattoos and body piercing out of my head. I remember a British minister - a man in his late 50s at the time - testified that God had directed him to pierce the ear by means of a servant is called by the apostle Paul. As a servant of his master would have his ears pierced as a sign that he would serve him forever. When ministers are adhered to, he claimed that many more young people to attend its meetings as a result.

After class I was teaching, one participant told me that the Christian child appears at a construction site where he met a man so-tattooed. Christians talk a tattooed man commented that he was surprised that she spoke to him as hardly anyone every done. He believes this is because all of her tattoos, giving Christians in the streets to serve him.

I remember a Christian biker preached from the pulpit, Popeye forearms covered with tattoos as he spoke, and how young people flocked around him to talk afterwards.

INVISIBLE MAN OUTSIDE. LORD looketh on the heart.

Getting a tattoo is all the rage these days, and many Christians are trying to decide whether they should get a tattoo or not. To tattoo or not to tattoo? THAT is the question.

What does the Bible say? Many Christians will quote Leviticus 19:28 to support their claim that Christians should never get a tattoo: "Do not any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." - Leviticus 19:28. Can one believe that Jesus is Lord and that He came to save the world through God's grace and love and still accept this verse as applicable to us today? It sounds cruel, but it's true. Why? The answer is simple. Christ gave us the New Law, which replaces the Old Testament law like this in Leviticus.

Surprisingly, these advocates ignore the verses to consider several other verses in the same book, Chapter 19. There paragraph 9, which says: "When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or scattered grain you harvest." Verse 19 reads: "Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material .." Verse 26: "Do not eat any meat with blood still in it." Verse 27: "Do not cut the hair on your head or clip the edges of your beard." Verse 28: "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves I am the Lord.".

As you can see, many other rules listed in Leviticus are not followed today. This does not mean that the entire book of Leviticus, or even the Bible itself, not to be followed. It simply means that we need to carefully analyze what the theme of the Bible, and realize what it means for us today.

Leviticus contains laws meant to keep the children of Israel healthy and holy for God. Tattoos were very dangerous and could cause injury, illness, or death. This verse also refers to a pagan ritual put a tattoo on myself for the dead, to protect themselves from the spirit world and the wrath of other gods.

Many Christians do not understand the grace of salvation given to us through the humanity and the death of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We are under a new agreement in which His sacrifice covers our sins in a way different from the laws of the old Levi, who viewed the Hebrew letter that states: "But the ministry Jesus has received them as a higher agreement is mediator is superior to the old, and was built on the promise of a better one. Because if it's nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have searched for the other, "Hebrews 8:6-7.

Now, this does not give license to sin (we do not need it because we're all going to sin, but what we do). We are still responsible for our behavior and how it affects our spiritual lives and the lives of others. For example, a letter to the Romans: "Do not destroy the work of God through food All food is clean, but wrong for a man to eat anything that causes others to stumble .. better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else which will cause your brother to fall. "-Romans 14:20-21.

From here we can see that it is important to think carefully through all the effects that getting a tattoo can have on ourselves, on our relationship, and on one's future. For some this may mean that getting a tattoo would enhance their ability to testify to others, while in other communities have tattoos will greatly reduce this ability.


The conclusion is that there may be no answer to "Should Christians get tattoos?" Each of us may have to answer this question for ourselves after taking time to think and pray about it. But, let's be careful to avoid those who do not have to sell or display the tattoos, or make a blanket statement that they can not become a Christian because they have tattoos. To do this would "destroy the work of God" instead of taking the time to reach the lost. Burden lies on those Christians who choose to get a tattoo. They need to prove to their critics that their faith is based on more than just tattoos, but supported by good deeds as well. And they should pray as often as possible that the division issues but trivial (such as body art) are set aside in favor of more pressing problems: inequality, hunger, Christian unity and to spread the Good News.

Here are some verses that show at least the recognition of religious signs:

"And it will happen to you as a sign on your hand and as a reminder on your forehead, that the law of Jehovah may be in your mouth." -Exodus 13:09

"This is a sign on your hand or frontlets between your eyes, because with a strong hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt." -Exodus 13:16

In the two quotations from Exodus, God tells his people that while many - especially those who disbelieve - the use of tattoos and religious totem, He will give Jews something bigger: the celebration of the day they were rescued and brought out of Egypt. For Jews, this will be a unique sign. This seems contrary to our position. However, these verses show that the tattoo is a normal aspect of society. God never told people that tattoos are wrong or immoral. He did not even say that they should stop doing it. He just told them that He would make them different from all others through their celebration.

"This one will say, 'I the Lord' another will call himself by the name of Jacob, and another will write on his hand,
'God' and surname himself by the name of Israel. "-Isaiah 44:5

"See, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me." -Isaiah 49:16
Here Isaiah spoke the word of God to the minorities who are more aware of Israel during their exile, worried about being lost in the midst of the heathen Babylon. Through Isaiah, God reminds his people that he will never forget them because he loved them, and as proof that He will never abandon them, he told the Jews that He has a statue [carved ... permanently inscribed] in his hand a reminder to save them.

"And the Lord said to him, 'Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed in it." Ezekiel 09:04 -

Marks in this paragraph refer to the letter "T" or the Hebrew letter "Tau," which appears as a cross shape, and are painted in lamb's blood on the doorposts to keep a "residual" of Israel when God wiped out all the first born of Egypt during an outbreak last. In this case, the sign will be placed on believers who are saddened by the sins committed in Jerusalem.

"From now on let no man trouble me, for I bear on my body the brand marks of Jesus." -Galatians 6:17

Here, Paul is likely discussing the beatings and punishments endured for the Gospel of Christ (see 2 Cor. 11:24-28). This is a sharp jab at those who believe they are justified by other signs, namely circumcision. Undeniable, though, is the image of the tattoo. Brand marks are what Roman slave owners tattooed on their property to show ownership.

"Then I saw another angel ascending from the rising sun, with the seal of the living God, and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm earth and sea, he said:" Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees , so we sealed the servants of God on their foreheads' "-Revelation 7:2-3.

"On His robe and His thigh a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords." -Revelation 19:16

The last verse of Revelation is part of John's prophecy of the destruction of the Roman Empire and the Roman army hitherto-invincible. This verse shows Christ as the "Master of the Universe" a name, which is the Word of God (and, basically, everything), is more than just the title of the royal clothes. Instead, it is something that belongs to Jesus himself and is intrinsically linked with Him who is Lord of all ... through a unique mark on his body.

Again, I want to emphasize that these verses show that God does not support the tattoo but the tattoo is an accepted part of society during the era of the Bible and that there is little evidence to show that God is explicitly agreed that body art.


Finally, it is important that Christians realize that Jesus does not want us to hide our faith, or maintain our faith in ourselves. Quite the opposite. He commanded us to do everything in our power to let our brothers know the true Word, Jesus Christ.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." -Matthew 28:19

"What I said in the dark, utter in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops." -Matthew 10:27
In fact, even if we wanted to keep it to ourselves (for selfish reasons or for fear of persecution), after the Spirit moves us, we can be quiet again:
"No one after lighting the lamp placed in the cellar or under a bushel, but on the attitude, that those who enter may see the light."-Luke 11:33

So, if we choose eMail message or tattoos, God, through the Holy Spirit, enabling us find a different and dynamic ways we let others know about Him. One thing is certain, though: as Christians, we need to fully express our faith, every day of our lives.

It is beyond doubt that tattoos are NOT sinful and that Christians express their faith with some ink under their skin does NOT give up on the wiles of Satan (at least, not for a tattoo). However, let us remember that just because we may be tattooed, does not mean that this is what is best for everyone. Paul says that we need to be careful that our actions do not lead others away from the faith:

"Do not, for food, destroy the work of God Everything is clean, but wrong for anyone to make others fall by what he eats;. It is the right to not eat meat or drink wine or do anything that makes your brother stumble." -Romans 14:20-21

With that in mind, let us pray that, through the intercession of the Holy Spirit, each of us can understand God's purpose for us, and whether or not that calling includes some permanent ink under our skin.

That's it. Questions about one's motives can only be answered between the individual and their God.


By the way, the tattoo shop owner who testified to me that, after his wife left him, he tried desperately to find God. A magical day, the couple reconciled. Within a few hours, he had a terrible roll-over to leave the vehicle to the steering wheel trim. Miraculously, he walked away without a scratch. Since then, both sets of parents, siblings and other relatives have since chosen to follow Jesus, some have been baptized and he is now looking for training for the ministry. He writes, "I want to preach for 20 years I have fought something.! Real men love Jesus and stood boldly proclaim God's love and grace, and good news! So, I'll be the first to want to say and there is NO GOD ANSWERS PRAYER As far as your question of where all the Christians who dare This is me? ..... I preach! "

Friends, whether it's a tattoo shop, bar or adult book store, God sent forth His Son to die for those who have, often or work in these places. He's just big enough to not be moved by what is happening in a particular location! He can be trusted and He loves the owners of the companies enough to do anything to save them.

Do we have the compassion to pray for their safety - or are we bitter curse them as we passed by and even pray for their destruction?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Deciding On The Right Tattoo

When you have decided that you really want a tattoo and you know of a tattoo artist you are going to use then the next step is deciding on a particular tattoo design that you want. From this point on is where the hard work starts. Finding the tattoo artist is the easy part but deciding on what tattoo you want will take work. There are so many different kinds of tattoos to choose from it actually makes it harder to determine which tattoo to go with. It's also a lot of fun looking at tons of different possible tattoo designs. The type of artwork that you choose will be a personal preference but there are some designs that are more common than others. For example, an angel tattoo design is more popular with men than a rose or butterfly tattoo which is popular with women.

The colors to choose for a tattoo vary widely and all depend on personal preference. Rose tattoos do not have to necessarily be red, but can also be black or white as there are many different meanings with rose colors. Styles of the different tattoos will vary also depending on they type of tattoo.

The angel or devil tattoo will tend to be in larger format with bold dark colors, while a tribal tattoo will have many pieces and black color. A butterfly can be any different colors, sizes and shapes.

Choosing the location of the tattoo is also part of the process. You can have a tattoo put anywhere on the human body and some people will go overboard and place a tattoo in odd places such as the top of the head, under the neck, on fingers, feet and many other places you can think of. What is popular for women might not be as popular for men, such as women love to have tattoos placed on the lower back, upper back or on the ankle, while men tend to have tattoos placed on the upper arm, shoulder or back. It is all a matter of style and what the person likes best. There really is not a wrong place to put a tattoo as long as you like it.

As you can see, the choice of tattoo designs are endless and finding the right tattoo for you may seem like a huge task but of course there are many resources you can use to find the right tattoo.

Using the Internet to start your research may be a good idea as there are many different websites related to tattoo designs. There are many galleries and pictures that you can look through to get an idea of the kinds of tattoos out there. Most sites will try to sell you templates of tattoos, which might be of good use since you can take those templates to your tattoo artist, which in the long run will save you money from having a tattoo artist design a fresh tattoo. This does not mean you cannot have the template modified. The cost will depend on the size and complexity of the tattoo design that you decide to go with. So if you wish for a small tattoo, it might be worth the extra cost for a tattoo artist to create a unique design.

If you do not find any tattoo designs on the internet that you like, you can always go to your tattoo artist and ask for a sketch of a tattoo that you may be thinking about. This of course will cost extra but may be worth it in the long run as once a tattoo is put on the body it's very difficult to get rid of it. Be sure to spend time researching your tattoo and look through as many pictures and designs as possible as it will help you decide what you want.

After finding a tattoo artist you will need to do research to find the tattoo design. Start by looking through directories or galleries of tattoo designs. This will help you find the design you are looking for. Even if you don't know what kind of tattoo design you want, by looking through galleries you will get an idea of what is out there. Angel tattoos are becoming popular among men, along with devil tattoos. But for females you might want to look for rose tattoos or even any kind of lower back tattoo designs.

The Key Secret To Great Tattoos!

Tattooing is a booming industry and growing every single day. Now there are even TV shows dedicated to the art that are catching fire. When you look around, tattoos are everywhere! Now you see them on people you know, see them in advertisements, and even on famous celebrities. So what makes a great tattoo? Of course it is great design, but there is one very big component that is critical to a really stunning and beautiful tattoo.

What is this component to a great tattoo?

It is simple...

Tattoo Shading.

Tattoo shading is the part of the tattoo where a two dimensional tattoo becomes a three dimensional tattoo. It is the part of the tattoo where flat lines take shape and holds a certain degree of depth to make the tattoo "pop" out. There is even a whole style of tattoo shading now that focuses only on black and grey color, just black and white.

If a tattoo artist does not learn the technical yet critical aspect of tattoo shading, then a tattoo just falls flat. It is as simple as that. This one aspect of tattooing can be learned but it takes some real practice and some technical skill. Mastering tattoo shading and becoming known for doing great black and grey tattoos can really boost a tattoo artists reputation in the tattoo industry. Those who have mastered tattoo shading at an expert level are very well revered and respected.

Now there are great information resources online to help aspiring tattoo artists. Of course, the best way to really learn the skills is through an apprenticeship, but gaining the basic knowledge is first and foremost of importance. Learning all you can about tattoo shading and other steps in the tattoo process are key and luckily information is gaining in popularity. An example of a great source or brand for tattoo information is "The Ultimate Tattoo Guide" series. These guides help budding tattoo artists get the basic tattoo knowledge needed to start tattooing including aspects like tattoo shading, etc.

So if you want to break into doing great tattoos that will get make people turn their heads, it is CRITICAL to master the art of tattoo shading. Without it, a tattoo is just not a real tattoo...a piece of real art.

Tattoos - Finding the Right Tattoo

Whether you are getting your first tattoo or already have half your body covered with tattoos I am sure you will find some valuable information here. As a tattoo addict and someone who spends most of his waking hours coming up with tattoo ideas I would like to share some of what I have learnt over the years.

I have spent a great deal of time amongst tattoo artists in tattoo studios around the world and have encountered a wide variety of different people coming through the doors of the tattoo studio to permanently mark their bodies. Many times I have questioned why it is so many people go under the gun to get inked.

People get tattoos for lots of different reasons. Some people simply because they love them and think they look good or enhance their appearance, others to be a part of a 'tribe' or group, while others to mark a significant event in their lives such as a bereavement or to express love for another person. You could say that there are as many reasons for getting tattooed as there are human experiences. Because of the uniqueness of each persons life journey no two reasons are ever the same.

In these situations the person wanting a tattoo has probably put a great deal of thought into the tattoo and perhaps the tattoo itself will have some kind of psychological meaning; for example when someone gets a portrait tattoo of a loved one who has recently died that psychologically they want to keep close to them for the rest of their lives. Or maybe a person has been jilted by a spurned lover and wants a tattoo of a broken heart or caged bird to signify their loss.

Human beings have being modifying their bodies with ink and steel for many thousands of years. Many people see tattoos and body modification as a spiritual practice. Before the advent of modern pain management, pain was seen as a natural part of life carrying a variety of spiritual and social meanings. But as time rolled on we began to deny the very existence of anything beyond our physical bodies.

As a result many people without tattoos cannot see past the image etched onto the persons body to the deeper meaning or symbolism behind the tattoo. It can often cause a wide variety of reactions in the 'uninitiated' from mild curiosity to extreme disturbance resulting in fear and mistrust of the person. Tattoos by their very nature cause a reaction especially on those who do not have them.

This begs the question on why anyone would want to get a tattoo without considering the wider implications and deeper meaning behind the tattoo. So many people wander into a tattoo studio and have no idea why they want to get a tattoo other than seeing their favorite rap artist or basketball player and thinking it looked cool. So they waste the tattoo artists time by saying they want a Nike swoosh on their butt or a tattoo the size of a button on their back. Many tattoo artists will just put up and shut up because they see this as 'bread and butter' work.

The implications of this are two-fold. Firstly the person is left with a really 'dumb' tattoo that most likely will be regretted at some stage in their life. This can lead to many years of regret perhaps leading the person to be forced to cover up their bodies as a result. Ot it can result in many hours of painful tattoo removal costing ten times as much as the original tattoo.

Secondly getting a tattoo without due consideration can often lead to a badly placed tattoo or badly thought out tattoo design. The results of this are obvious but this is the number one reason why people get tattoo removal in worst case scenarios or tattoo cover-ups. Some tattoo artists are becoming renowned for their cover-up work as they are for their actual artistic skill. Yet people do not realise the placement of a small unambiguous tattoo may have later on if they want to get another tattoo or the social restrictions it may bring.

Finally before getting tattooed (either for the first time or the twentieth!) is important to deeply consider the design as well as the placement of the tattoo and how it may interact with other tattoos further down the track. Many people have gotten tribal armbands (when they were cool!) and later decided that tribal tattoos carry no meaning to them and that traditional style tattoos or celtic tattoos may have been more suitable. I myself have been guilty of this and as a result had a poorly thought out tattoo covered up.

Tribal Tattooed Designs

For centuries, tattoos symbolized the membership in groups, families, but for a few years, tattoos have become more popular. It is possible that many people have them not only for decorative purpose, so we must understand why more than thirty million people worldwide have submitted this type of self mutilation. The choice of a tattoo today can tell something about the soul of its owner; some believe that a tattoo is the graffiti for the soul...

We'll find many surprising stories about the tattoos significance and role: many sailors believe that a tattoo is a talisman against the possibility of drowning at sea. The American Indian believed tattoos protected them in battle and some Burmese people think even today that a tattoo over the heart can stop bullets.

The tribal tattoos history is a real kaleidoscope; each place of Earth where the tattoos are popular has a particular and many times surprising history, significance, tradition, and realization technique. But almost everywhere, the tattoos appeared a few hundred years ago.

The place where the word tattoo originated, were the tribal tattoo reached perfection for thousand of years is Tahiti. Here the tattoos applications are most painful, but it reached a high level of artistic endeavor. The habitants of Samoa still believe that the elaborate geometrical design of the traditional body suit is the way to show respect for the God-qualities, for others it is the rite of passage to manhood.

The ancient Maori warriors started their tattoos tradition painting their faces with charcoal before each battle. Then they began to make the design permanent, calling it "moko". It was said that a man without "moko" was a "papatea" (plain face) and was considered an outcast.

Celtic tattoos are one of the most attractive design choices. The design comes from ancient art from Ireland, Scotland and England. They are as old as the Celtic history is.
Some fifth century painted pictures are representing warriors having tattoos all over their body; the tattoos are indicating the rank or caste. Later they were also symbols of religious devotion, simply for decoration or appeal for fertility.

Celtic tattoos are not duplicating real things, they are made of sinuous lines interweaving to complete a cycle. Almost all the Celtic tattoo designs are complicated, there is neither end nor beginning to it. There are many intricate patterns too...

Celtic animal designs are unending, but some have the cords terminate in feet, heads, or tails. Many designs are presenting zoomorphic elements or spirals.

Tattoos are also largely considered the mark of the Yazuka - the Japanese Mafia. A full body tattoo can take many years to be made and costs about $50000; the tattoo complicated colored design seems to have mythic power and only some specialized masters can accomplish such a miraculous work of art.

In China the tattoos are made with designs of 2500 years old, and are representing a variety of fantastic beasts: fish, deer, dragoon. There are made for personal protection and like emblems of noble birth. Siberian tribesmen still ink symbols down their spine to cure the back pain.

In Russia, the tattoos tradition isn't so old: they were the prisoners' secret language. In Stalin's gulags, tattoos were a form of protest; today they are only a fancy accessory.

Borneo is an exotic and hard to reach place where tattoos ward off harm and disease. In the "heart of darkness" tattoos as protection gains some credibility.

Hawaii is home for some famous tattooist, like Norman Keith. He is well known "for giving the modern tattoo revolution a major boost." He began moving American tattooing towards more Japanese style, unified, custom design. He also changed the status of tattooists, bringing them out of the underground to the growing light of the artistic respectability.

In St. Lawrence Island the Asiatic Eskimo tribesmen can live past 100 and have, certainly, the last most authentic tattoos on this planet.
We can find spectacular tribal tattoos even in Queen Charlotte Islands, where the images are family history told in pictures. Animals' designs on the hands are announcing the family name.

In Mackenzie Delta small crosses on the cheeks or shoulders are keeping a tally of the taken whales. Netsilik women were tattooed in order to gain admittance to the afterworld.

In the northern Kalinga (Philippines) the tribesmen are the most ornamented people of the region; their body art is resurrected one more time.

Now let see the tribal tattoo tradition in US. Since the 18th century, merchant sailors acquired tribal skin art returning from voyages in the South Seas. Because members of the British aristocracy traditionally took to the sea, and returned with tattoos (discreetly hidden) some western tattooist set up shop near the docks. The tattoos become exotica for the upper classes. Later, the port city tattooist began inking criminals, fiefs and prostitutes and tattoo became mark of lowlifes. This is the reason way for hundred of years the tattoo remained underground. The tattooist was considered as an outlaw and the tattoo was imprisoned by persecutions and prohibitions born of myriad fears.

Now the tattoos are made using modern and secure devices, capable of 125 pricks per second. The designs are presented worldwide using the most spectacular advertising tools.

Celebrity Tattoo Removal - Stories of Tattoo Regret

Today, more than ever, celebrities are running to tattoo parlors in an effort to express themselves. Body art has become an accessory to many such as teacup dogs and expensive purses. The number of celebrities with tattoos is on the rise. In the old days, it was prominently the metal and punk rockers and athletes that were heavily inked.

Nowadays, ink can be found on celebrity bodies from the cat walk, to the small screen, and to the red carpet and the big screen. However, not all celebrities heed the advice of picking the right tattoo that they won't one day regret. Therefore, as number of celebrities get tattoos rises, so does the number of tattoo regret and tattoo removal.

One of the main reasons that people, including celebrities, goes into see a laser tattoo removal specialist is because they have the name of a former lover inked on their body or they may have matching tattoos inspired by an ex. There are plenty of examples of celebrities that have had tattoo regret for just this reason. They have either had their tattoos removed by laser tattoo treatments or lightened to cover their unwanted tattoos.

Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton. Angelina had Billy Bob's name tattooed on her arm, while Billy Bob had Angelina's name inked on his bicep. They were married for 3 years and then divorced. Angelina decided on laser tattoo removal to lighten her tattoo and a cover-up tattoo shortly after their divorce and had her children's birthplaces inked in the same location. Billy Bob decided on a cover-up solution also. He had Angelina's name covered with an angel and the word "peace."

Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen. Denise decided to have Charlie tattooed on her ankle while Charlie had Denise tattooed on his wrist. They were married and later divorced. Denise had her "Charlie" tattoo transformed into a fairy, while Charlie had his "Denise" lasered away.

Tom Arnold and Roseanne Barr. Tom tops the list for the most tattoos of an ex. He had a whooping 4 tattoos of Roseanne, his wife at the time, including a portrait of her on his chest. Roseanne had a "Property of Tom Arnold" tattooed on her hip. Once divorced, Tom had all of his tattoos laser removed. Roseanne opted for a cover-up of her "Tom" tattoo.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. They decided after a short courtship to get married and also get matching tattoos. They both had dice tattooed on their arms, Britney's dice were pink while Kevin's were blue. Once their relationship sizzled and they were no longer seen together, both sets of dice disappeared as well with laser tattoo removal.

Nick Carter and Paris Hilton. They were only together for a short 7 months when these two love birds to have each others names inked on their bodies. Nick had "Paris" tattooed on his wrist while "Paris" had Nick tattooed on her bottom. Paris had her tattoo laser removed not long after she had the tattoo done. Nick decided to have his "Paris" covered up with a skull and the phrase "Old Habits Die Hard."

Some other celebrities that have donned their love by inking their skin include Pamela Anderson, Kathy Griffin, and Johnny Depp. Pamela Anderson had "Tommy" inked on her ring finger when they were together and later had it changed to read "Mommy" after they split. Kathy Griffin also had a wedding ring inked on her finger when she was married. Later when she was divorced, she decided it was time to have her tattoo laser removed. Johnny Depp who fell madly in love with Winona Ryder had no problem showing his love for her by having "Winona Forever" tattooed on his chest, only to later have it changed to "Wino Forever" after their love fizzled.

Having a lover's name, face,symbol, or matching tattoos are not the only tattoos celebrities have that they regret. They too have been guilty of getting certain images or sayings that represented who they were at a certain time in their lives. Tommy Lee and Tony Danza both had tattoos done early on in life that no longer represented who they are and therefore looked to laser tattoo removal. Tommy Lee had a swastika inked on his rib cage. He decided to remove the tattoo so it would no longer hinder his image. Tony Danza had "Keep on Truckin" tattooed on his body during his younger days. He decided on laser tattoo removal shortly after it was first readily available.

Two rappers whose images are widely known and recognized for their ink, Pharrell Williams and 50 Cent are both undergoing laser tattoo removal treatments. They are both looking into other opportunities than being rap stars and they both believe that removing their tattoos with improve their images. Even with all the musical talent and fame these two stars have, 50 cent's aspirations to act are cut short or he spends up to 4 hours covering his tattoos with make-up in order to do a movie scene. Pharrell is in the process of designing a clothing line and wants to be taken as a serious entrepreneur.

Whether these celebrities had gotten tattoos when they were young, in love, or for their simple love of tattoos, they all experienced tattoo regret and did something about it. Tattoos once thought to be permanent can be removed with laser tattoo removal treatments or even lightened with laser tattoo removal treatments and then covered with a new tattoo.

Get a Unique Custom Tattoo Design

Recently it was reported that tattoo related terms received more searches per month then most adult related keywords. This has spawned a huge growth of websites selling flash tattoo designs. You can go and visit these sites and for $10 or so find a tattoo design. You can then download this design and take it to your local tattoo parlor and get a new tattoo.

Well, for many this has become the Achilles heel so to speak of the tattoo art industry. Buying tattoos this way is definitely contrary to the main reasons people get tattoos. Tattoos and the tattoo industry has always held that tattoo art was the last bastion of personal expression and freedom in America. You see most tattoo enthusiast feel that the tattoo they get are very uniquely theirs and a tattoo, being something you have to live with for a long time, should say something about yourself. So these huge flash tattoo sites come along and sell thousands of the same tattoo to people. These same people go to their local tattoo parlor and get a new tattoo and soon they are sporting it around town feeling proud to assert their individuality. However in reality they have just copied a bunch of other people and probably ended up with a tattoo that says nothing interesting or unique about them. They just bought the design because it was popular.

The other sad part of this phenomena is that most tattoo artists are on the losing end of the proposition. The big websites that sell tons of designs often have had some graphic designer just create a bunch of low quality tattoo designs to sell. The designer was not even a tattoo artist in the first place. However, the tattoo artists out there are now losing tons of business to these larger companies. That is not to say all tattoo sites selling tattoo designs online are doing this. Of course there are some that have taken this into consideration have have worked hard to value the artists for their original ideas and work.

However it still leaves the tattoo enthusiast who just got the same tattoo as thousands of other people out in the dark. Think about what is going to happen when that person is at a concert of some large public event and a guy comes up to him and says, :hey cool man nice tat." The guy turns and the notices that the speaker is sporting the same exact tattoo. Here he thought he was unique and individual and doing something really cool. What is one to say in that kind of situation? Other then start looking at all the tattoo removal adds online there is not really much.

It is for these exact reasons that a few websites have started popping up on the internet that have solved these basic problems. At the time of this writing there are in fact only two sites on the internet that have effectively dealt with both of these problems. They are custom designed freelance tattoo art websites. That is kind of a mouthful so I will explain what each of those terms means. It means that a person wanting a unique tattoo design can go to the site and post a job. Then tattoo artists from around the globe can come and bid on the job to design a great custom tattoo to the individuals specifications.

This is really the best of all worlds as it encourages tattoo artists and pays them fairly for their abilities and skills. It also create a unique tattoo to the exact specifications and desires of the person getting the tattoo done. It is a really great way to solve the problem and these sites have had a high rate of customer satisfaction and repeat business from both the tattoo artists and the tattoo enthusiast.

Choosing the Right Tattoo For You

Nowadays there is a vast variety of tattoo design and body location combinations that make fantastic tattoos for girls and it can often be difficult to decide which tattoo design to ink, and where to site it. This article is dedicated to girls looking for ideas and advice to help them plan their next tattoo.

In the past it was mainly men who decorated their bodies with tattoos, however over the past 50 years or so tattoos for girls have also become incredibly popular. The rise in the popularity of tattoos among girls followed the women's rights movement, as social attitudes changed to embrace equality. While many girls still prefer the classic tattoo designs styles and body locations that are also popular among men, recent decades has also seen an explosion in incredibly feminine and elegant tattoo design styles that have been developed especially for female tattoo enthusiasts. There are so many different design styles around that there really is something for everyone.

There are so many options for girls planning a new tattoo that choosing a design and where to ink it can be rather daunting. It is incredibly important to really take your time making a decision. Tattoos are permanent and girls who get inked on the spare of the moment usually live to regret it.

The two biggest choices to make when planning a new tattoo are which design to ink, and where on the body to ink it. Some girls prefer to pick the design first, and then think about where best to have it tattooed, while other girls pick the body location first. There is no right or wrong way, although I personally recommend considering both the design and body area simultaneously when planning a new tattoo.

There are a wide range of tattoo designs available, and I strongly suggest you browse through as much top quality artwork as possible to get some initial ideas about what you like. A tattoo is a very personal thing, and I recommend choosing a design that not only looks fantastic, but also has some significance to you. Some of the most popular design styles that make for fantastic tattoos for girls include (in no particular order) bird, butterfly, Celtic, cross, dolphin, eagle, fairy, fish, flower, heart, rose, star, tiger, tribal, and zodiac tattoos, although many more design styles are widely available.

In addition to the design itself, it is also important to think about the colours that you want to incorporate in to your tattoo. Some girls love really colourful tattoos, and choose to ink designs such as butterflies, birds, and flowers. Other women prefer more classic tattoo designs inked in black, such as the very distinctive tribal and Celtic design styles.

Some of the most popular body areas for girls include the wrist, arm, back, lower back, belly button, foot, leg, neck, and shoulder. When choosing where to site a new tattoo, there are a number of factors that must be carefully considered. Firstly, many girls must consider how visible they want their tattoo be to. A large number of women have employers who enforce strict no tattoo policies, and will therefore need to select an area of the body that can be covered up easily. Other girls prefer to ink highly conspicuous designs that are easily shown off to the world.

Another factor that will greatly influence your body location options is the size of the tattoo that you plan to ink. Very large tattoos will obviously need a big canvas such as the back, chest, arms, or legs. Many girls, especially girls planning their first tattoos, prefer to ink relatively small designs, and these can be sited pretty much anywhere. Some areas of the body can only accommodate small tattoos, such as the wrist, ankle and foot.

Pain is another factor that is important to many people, especially newbies inking their first tattoos. Generally speaking, bony areas of the body, such as the ankle, are more painful to ink than more flesh areas such as the upper arm. The size of the design is also important, as larger designs take longer to ink, meaning that the associated pain has to be endured for longer.

I hope that you found the information in this article helpful, and that you will heed some of the advice given. I cannot stress enough the importance of taking your time to think about your options. Far too many people rush the planning stage and end up with tattoos that the don't like. Don't be one of these people, think long and hard about what you really want, and never be afraid to seek advice. Tattoo artists are great sources of advice, and I recommend that you talk with a reputable artist in your local area. I also strongly recommend browsing as many top quality designs as possible. By showing your artist some of your favourite designs, they will have a better idea for the sort of tattoo that you want. Carefully planning your new tattoo should ensure that you will ink a design that you will love forever.

For more information about planning a new tattoo, please visit the Tattoos For Girls section of the Premium Tattoo Designs website. For more information about ankle tattoos for girls, please check out the Ankle Tattoo Designs For Girls page of the Premium Tattoo Designs website.

Pete Wood is a passionate tattoo enthusiast. Pete's passion for the art of tattooing, combined with his anguish at the huge number of people that end up regretting their tattoos, lead Pete and a friend to create the Premium Tattoo Designs website. The ethos of the Premium Tattoo Designs website is to provide high quality information and advice so that people can make informed decisions when planning a new tattoo.

The premium tattoo designs website contains a vast amount of information and advice about a wide range of tattoo designs and commonly tattooed areas of the body. The website also contains detailed information about selecting tattoo artists and shops, tattoo safety considerations, tattoo aftercare, and much much more.

How to Choose Your First Tattoo

One of the famous questions that most people ask themselves when considering tattooing is the type of tattoo that you are going to have for your first tattoo. Some of the other questions that may include are how painful is the tattoo going to be, what kind of care will be needed for the new tattoo and the tattoo shop where you are going to get it. The pain that will be felt will greatly depend on the area of the body you are going to have it placed. The tattoo shop, should have course, depend on your choice of the tattoo shop. Your first tattoo is basically a decision that you along should make. It should be the best tattoo for you because it is going to be your first one, and it should be given enough and careful thought. When thinking about the right image for your first tattoo, make sure that you have though about it real hard and you have considered all the different factors that will affect you. Your first tattoo should be something meaningful and something that will say something about you, so that you will not have to regret it in the near future.

This article will give some tips that will help you come into a decision about your first tattoo. However, you have to bear in mind that with any kind of design, make sure that you place some twist to it to make it your own.

Different Tattoo Designs
There are so many pictures or images that you can choose from, you can even design it yourself, or make changes to some of the pictures that you already have chosen at some tattoo shop or online designs so that it can be unique. You can choose from the different tattoos like tribal, celtic, animal, sci-fi, geek or portrait tattoos.

You can also choose from the black light UV tattoo which will look prominent under black light. Some of the popular tattoos today are stars, wings, kanji, crosses, names, words, dragons, butterflies and skulls.

Selecting the Right Tattoo for You
Here are some of the factors that you have to consider in choosing the right tattoo.

The Reason Why You Want the Tattoo
Since it is going to be your first tattoo, it should be something that is full of meaning. It can be something that may express time; your memorable experience in life that has change you or made a big difference in your life. Do not just get a tattoo because someone has just persuaded you to do so. Do not also do it just because you already have reached the right age and you could easily get one without asking permission from your parents or guardians. Think of every reason why you want to have that particular tattoo before getting it inked on your skin.

How This Tattoo Could Possibly Affect Your Present or Future Job

Think About the Design
Is the design something that you really want, did you design it or someone else just design it for you. Is the design something that you got from a particular picture? Does the meaning say something about you, or do you think it is perfect for you.

The Location of the Tattoo
When it comes to the location, you have to consider if the tattoo is something that you want to show to people all the time. If you want it to be private, then you can place it in an area where it will not be visible all the time. You also have to consider the type of body that you have, your body and type and your body curves.

Choosing the Right Tattoo Artist
Choose the artist that specializes on the type of tattoo that you want. You can always ask any recommendations from friends or relatives who already have tattoos. The cost of the tattoo will also play a vital role in having one. Make sure that the tattoo artist also is an experience one when it comes to tattooing.

What You Have To Do Before Getting a Tattoo

Before having a tattoo done, you have to make sure that the procedure will be done safely. You might think that your new tattoo is cool because it looks like a big scab, but still, it is considered a big wound. So just like any other wound, puncture, scrape, cut or penetration done to your skin, your tattoo will be prone to infection.

Get your immunizations up to date and decide where you will have your medical care done, if ever your tattoo gets infected.

Medical problem like heart disease, diabetes, allergies, skin disorders, immune system defects and other types of infections must be addressed to the doctor first so that he can give you proper precautions before you can have your tattoo.

If you are susceptible to having keloids, it is advisable to avoid having a tattoo.

You have to make sure that the tattoo studio where you will get your tattoo is clean and safe, see to it that all equipments that are going to be used are disposable and sterilized first. It is better if you could get some recommendations on some licensed tattoo shops or try to research whether the tattoo shop has any complaints about them.

Tattoo shops which are professional will take pride in their cleanliness. Some of the things that you have to look for in these tattoo shops are the autoclave, this is a device which utilizes steam, pressure and heat for the process of sterilization. Make sure that the tattoo artist who will get you the tattoo is licensed. The tattoo shop should follow the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Universal Precautions.

Once you see that the tattoo shop does not observe cleanliness, or if ever, you do not feel that comfortable, you can always have the option to choose another tattoo shop.

One of the major things that is probably holding you back from having your first tattoo is the fact that it is permanent, it stays on your skin forever.

Yes, tattoos, may last forever, however, if you have the resources to have laser tattoo removal done, then you can always get rid of it.

It is important that when you choose your first tattoo, it is something that you really want and it says something about you, so that you will not regret it.

If you take into considerations all of these factors, you will be able to decide without any problem. Just keep in mind that first tattoos should be something meaningful to you.

Different Facts Involving Removing a Tattoo

Removing a tattoo is never easy and it could not be done in just one session. Removing tattoo completely will be really hard because of different factors. One factor that will affect the processing of getting rid of tattoo is the age of the tattoo. If the tattoo has been on the person for about 3-5 decades, the possibility of removing the colors of the ink can be real difficult. Some other factors that could affect it are the size of the tattoo and the type of the inks used. The dermatologist can help you solve your worries about tattoo and how it can be successfully get rid off. There is a chance that the dermatologist may prescribe some anesthesia, if he thinks that you need to have it.

He can also help you learn if all of your tattoos can still be removed or not. One thing that you should know is that getting tattoo removed does not happen overnight. The procedure could take few months. The pain of removing them could also be the same as the first time that you had them. Once the tattoo has been removed it will transform into a wound that needs to be taken care of and protected from any rubbing or scrubbing. Tattoo is supposed to be forever, however, you could still have it removed if you choose to, you just have to know that its removal is worse than the first time you had it. Getting rid of tattoo is not a joke, it should be taken seriously, and one may take longer in deciding whether or not to get one. Before you can make your decision, it is important to be knowledgeable about the ins and outs of removing a tattoo. Try researching before you come up with a decision.

Tattoo History

Tattoos have been here for a long time, an estimate of 10 million Americans have at least a single tattoo on their body. There are about 44,000 tattoo studios in America, alone. Tattoo is excellent method of expressing oneself. Having one can seem to be a great idea for a while, but your preference may change as time goes by. This is because we find great jobs, new loves and our taste changes in time. This is why once your past decisions and choices no longer satisfies your present taste, you will surely think of getting a tattoo removal.

Almost half of the people with tattoos considered getting rid of them. Aside from the obvious reasons of getting rid of their tattoos for new jobs, there are also some other reasons why a person may remove it. Tattoos also fade and lose its excellent for as the skin ages. If your tattoo looks very beautiful and attractive today, there will come a time that it will lose them, sometimes tattoo could also transform into an embarrassment. There are times that even gaining and losing weight can affect the valuable tattoo, making it less attractive.

Here are some of the things that you have to know about undoing a tattoo before you decide to get a tattoo.

Laser Tattoo Removal

Application of this method can remove the tattoo without the appearance of scarring. The procedure can take about 6-12 sessions before the tattoo can be fully removed. The most difficult areas in laser tattoo removal are the parts of ankles, hands and fingers. Those tattoos that are done a long time ago with only few colors can be easily removed. All the tattoo removal procedures such as surgical excision and dermabrasion can successfully remove tattoos. Even the laser tattoo removal can produce a little bit of pain.

It is a good thing that people know about the difficulty of removing tattoos, in the first place, before they decide to get one. It is harder to get rid of the tattoo than to have them. You could choose from several options of tattoo removal.

Options for Tattoo Removal

You can possible get your tattoo covered by a new tattoo, just make sure that it is 50% bigger than the old one so that it can successfully cover the entire tattoo. The very popular tattoo removal procedure is the laser treatment. This procedure involves wavelengths of lights that remove different types of pigments. This procedure works by letting the laser beam penetrate through the skin, which will then be absorbed by the ink. Once it is absorbed by the ink, it will automatically break down and naturally removed by the lymphatic system of the body. If, in case, the tattoo is too deep or maybe too small to be penetrated by the laser treatment, the part of the skin with the tattoo will be cut away and the edges will be stitched together.

In the dermabrasion procedure, the skin with the tattoo is rubbed literally using an abrasive tool. If the tattoo is too deep, skin grafting may be done. Versapulse laser could also be an option; this is fast procedure of removing undesirable tattoos. This type of laser offers low energy, which can reduce the risk of burning.

Some people also choose Tat Gone ink removal; this procedure may involve several applications, which produce great improvement. Cost of Tattoo Removal Procedure

Tattoo removal could cost a lot. If you paid $40 for getting a tattoo done, it might cost you $4500 to have the tattoo removed with the laser tattoo removal procedure. Aside from that, removing it will leave you with a scar that is very obvious. Tattoo removal procedure is not an easy task; it is a long process, longer than having the tattoo, in the first place.

Three Steps to Tattooing Success

Tattoos have become a popular form of self-expression and even a fashion statement. The growing demand for tattoos and the potentially high income available to tattoo artists has led to an increase in the number of people who want to learn how to tattoo.

Because tattooing is both an art form and a body treatment, it's important to learn the best procedures for safe tattooing before embarking on a career as a tattoo artist. No one should consider buying a tattoo kit and starting to tattoo without becoming familiar with the best procedures for tattooing.

Learning these procedures will help any tattoo artist achieve lasting success.

There are many steps to becoming a successful tattoo artist, but here are 3 of the most important steps to tattooing success.

Step #1 - Build an Art Portfolio and Find a Tattoo Apprenticeship
If you want to be a tattoo artist, you should be comfortable with your drawing skills. Tattooing requires a good sense of line and color. If you're not confident as an artist but have a desire to learn, then take an art class or buy an art book and begin to practice your drawing. Look at tattoo designs by tattoo artists (known as tattoo flash) and begin to create some designs of your own.

Assemble your best work and display it in an artist's portfolio or binder.

Once you have a portfolio of your best art work, you'll be better prepared to find a tattoo apprenticeship. An apprenticeship is a form of on-the-job training, where an experienced tattoo artist teaches you how to tattoo. Don't expect to be paid as an apprentice - in fact, you may end up paying for the privilege of learning how to tattoo from a master tattoo artist. Prepare to save money for an apprenticeship and to work at another job while you're apprenticing. Finally, give serious thought to which tattoo artist you apprentice with and make sure it's someone whose work you respect and that you can get along with well.

Step #2 - Create Stunning Tattoo Designs
As you learn how to tattoo in an apprenticeship, you will become more skilled in creating tattoo designs. Each tattoo you apply becomes a permanent feature on the body of your client, so you want to make sure you deliver a stunning design. This doesn't mean you have to create each and every tattoo design. A client may come in with an existing design from a tattoo magazine or clients may select a flash design from the shop's collection.

The important thing is to listen to the client's requirements and provide suggestions about how to get the most impact from a design.

Often you will begin with flash and then customize it for the client by adding or removing design elements. It may be necessary to provide a client with several paper drafts of a design before you arrive at a piece of art that you both love. Don't worry too much about the time you spend doing this - it's all part of the job. Just be sure to charge the client enough to cover the time you spend on the design stage of the tattoo.

Once an eye-catching tattoo flash design has been chosen, it's up to the tattoo artist to create a work of art on the client's skin. Different outline and shading techniques can be used to enhance the basic design. Color should be carefully introduced to help bring the tattoo to life. As you learn more about how to tattoo and your experience in tattooing grows, you'll learn how to use the right amount of detail in a design, how to position it correctly on the body, and how to create clean outlines, graduated shading and even color.

Step #3 - Practice Sanitary Tattoo Procedures
The final important step in knowing how to tattoo is to understand and follow standard sanitary procedures.

A tattoo requires penetration of a client's skin, so you must recognize and eliminate the risk of infection and disease transmission. One of the most important sanitary procedures is making sure that tattoo needles and ink caps are single-use only and replaced for each new client. In addition, the work area where the tattoo is applied must be cleaned thoroughly with disinfectant before tattooing begins and the tattoo artist must wear gloves during the tattoo procedure. Following sanitary procedures will help ensure that each tattoo client receives the best possible treatment during the tattoo process.

Do you want to learn how to tattoo like a PRO?

Four Tattoo Tips For Top Notch Tattooing

The difference between a flat outlined tattoo and a top notch, 3-dimensional piece of skin art lies in the shading skill of the tattoo artist.

A skilled tattooist knows how to use outline and shading to create a life-like work of art on the skin of the client. The best tattoo artists know how to choose the correct tools for the job, including a tattoo machine and the right needles and ink.

They are able to find the perfect design for each client and position it perfectly on the body.

Finally, they know how to use the tattoo machine like an artist uses a paintbrush to create a work of art.

The best way to learn the fine art of tattoo shading is from a seasoned professional tattoo artist. As an apprentice to an experienced tattooist, you'll be given tattoo tips that will help you gain the skills to create a 3-dimensional tattoo image that seems to come alive on the skin.

Here are 4 tattoo tips for beginners who want to learn the secrets of top notch realistic tattooing.

Tattoo Tip #1 - Choose a design that's suitable for shading.
Some tattoo designs are more suitable than for shading than others. Portraits of people and images of animals, flowers and skulls are good subject for shading, as are fantasy creatures like dragons. The design should have some larger rounded elements that can be filled in with graduated color to create the illusion of depth and shadows. Look through tattoo magazines and study designs that show the effective use of shading. Soon you'll get a feel for which designs can be shaded and which are not suitable.

Tattoo Tip #2 - Use a tattoo machine.
One of the most important tattoo tips for top notch tattooing is to use a tattoo machine, also referred to as a tattoo gun. A skilled tattoo artist wouldn't dream of attempting to apply a shaded tattoo design without a tattoo machine. The tattoo machine uses a group of needles to automatically inject ink at the correct depth in the skin. The machine is connected to an electric motor that rapidly moves the needles up and down at a rate of 80 to 150 times per second. This rapid needle movement allows a shaded area of a tattoo design to be filled with ink quickly and evenly.

Tattoo Tip #3 - Mix the tattoo ink.
Tattoo shading uses ink in shades from light to dark. Lighter shades of ink, often referred to as a wash, can be created by mixing ink and sterile water. The more water that you add, the lighter the wash. One of the more useful tattoo tips for shading from tattoo artists is to create washes ahead of time in the exact shades that will be required for a shaded tattoo. This eliminates the need for stopping and mixing ink while the tattoo is being applied.

Tattoo Tip #4 - Use the tattoo gun like a paintbrush.
A group of needles called shaders is used to fill in the outlined tattoo design with shading. Shader needles come in many shapes and groupings. Knowing when to use each type of shader is one of the more valuable tattoo tips to be learned in an apprenticeship.

Realistic tattoo shading is created by tilting the needles on the tattoo skin and using the tattoo gun like a paintbrush.

Most tattooists first cover the skin with a thin layer of lubricant to ease the needles smoothly across the area being shaded. For dark shading, the tattoo gun is moved slowly across the skin and the ink is injected deeply. For lighter areas, the gun is move quickly and ink is injected less deeply.

As soon as a small area of the design has been injected with ink for shading, the tattoo artist wipes off the excess ink with a clean cloth. The finished effect can then be viewed and the tattoo artist can decide if more ink is needed.

If a darker effect is wanted, more ink is applied. Making a dark area lighter is more of a problem, since the dark ink has been permanently injected into the skin. This is why a skilled tattoo artist works carefully to make sure no area of shading is too dark. Some tattoo artists use white ink to lighten dark areas of a tattoo and to smooth out transitions between different shades of ink.

Do you want to learn how to tattoo?

Tattoos - A Living Form of Art

Tattoos and body piercings have grown in popularity over the past few decades. Once only reserved for tribes, sailors, or criminals, the meaning of tattoos and the reasons for people getting them have changed dramatically.

A Brief History

Like body piercings, tattoos are created by the constant application of ink just under the subcutaneous layer of the skin with a needle. At first, many tribes, sailors, and other groups used to apply the ink by hand. This was a long, painful process and the marked people were usually of high status. The tattoos were often a sign of respect, rank, and social status. Since the tattoos are permanent, the owners were guaranteed respect for life.

The interest of tattooing for the general public spread throughout the world in fads. A sailor would bring over a fully tattooed indigenous person and interest would spread like wildfire. In London, a sailor brought over a tattooed Polynesian from the South Pacific, and many of the people of London began to acquire their own small tattoos in secret places. However, interest in tattooing waxed and waned due to its long, arduous process of applying every dot of ink by hand.

The electric tattoo machine is a relatively recent invention, created in 1891 by Samuel O'Reily, and has revolutionized tattoos into an art form. Tattooing can still be long and painful but now the many punctures in the skin are done automatically at thousands of punctures per minute and can allow for better detail and shading. Skin is the most unique canvas and a tattoo that is placed onto the skin is permanent, requiring extra consideration for the right tattoo, the right artist, and the right placement. That piece of art will follow throughout one's lifetime.

In New York City, Samuel O'Reily trained a partner named Charley Wagner, who continued teaching after O'Reily's death. For a brief while, Chatham Square flourished with tattoo artists while the rest of the world remained unimpressed with tattooing. For a long time tattooing was generally stigmatized and most people with tattoos were stereotyped to be scary, dangerous, or freaks. During the 1920s tattoos began to be recognized for where a person has been in their travels, as tattoo artists set up shops in Coney Island. An outbreak of hepatitis, blood poisoning and other disease even worsened the prospects for tattooing in American culture.

Finally, a tattoo artist named Lyle Tuttle changed America's perception of tattooing by introducing celebrities to the art form. He tattooed them, mostly women, and used the media to change their stereotypes about the types of people who got tattoos. Together with the heightened awareness of the importance of sterilization and the improvement of training, tattoo popularity began to surge in the last few decades.

Changing Views

Today, the tattooing industry booms with new talented artists, schools and apprenticeship for budding tattooists, enlightened knowledge about sterilization, and health code regulation. Tattoo suppliers are well known and there are a wide variety of brands to choose from inks, tattoo machines, needles, and even tattoo shop supplies such as flash designs, chairs, and more. Younger generations are catching onto this art form and have made having a tattoo almost a rite of passage when one turns 18 in America. As more and more people of all walks of life have tattoos, the old stereotypes of tattooing that previously kept tattooing underground and unsafe has become outdated.

Now getting a tattoo is easier, mildly less painful, and relatively faster than ever before. The results of sitting in a chair in one position for a few hours are much more satisfying to see a beautiful piece of art with the outbursts of new and unique tattoo artists, each with their own style. Some tattoo designers stick with what is known as Old School tattoos, which have the look of tattoos done before the Second World War. They include traditional designs like nautical stars, pin up girls and mermaids, Old English letters, sparrows, skulls, hearts, roses, symbolic animal spirits (tigers, eagles, fish), and more. Old School tattoos keep the look simple with mostly black ink and a little bit of color because in the older days of tattooing there was not a great variety of ink colors to choose from. Old school tattoos are also notorious for featuring a ribbon with Old English letters writing a word or name inside the papyrus. The infamous Sailor Jerry Collins was the man who designed most tattoos that are now considered traditional or Old School. Today many women interested in 1950s retro fashion choose Old School tattoos and place them on their arm like a sailor would back in the day. Many sailor tattoos are symbolic. For example, the nautical star means that a person has gone through an important event or has been somewhere far and has returned safely.

New School tattoos include any new techniques done after this war. After the 1961 hepatitis outbreak which forced the tattoo movement underground for a while, tattoo designs were picked up by younger generations. They used bold, bright colors and utilized more shading thanks to advancements in needle variety and better quality ink. The health code regulations and better use of sterilization machines brought tattooing back in the forefront again. New school tattoos still have the same list of tattoo designs as old school but are captured in a unique way that is difficult to explain but easy to see the difference. Also many people today get new school designs that are custom made, compared to the old school tattoos which were generally picked off a wall of flash.

Today there are dozens of interesting tattoo styles to choose from: Celtic, Japanese, religious, spiritual, tribal, bio-mechanical, feminine, military, black and gray, traditional, neo-traditional, modern, and more. The best part about getting a tattoo is designing a custom piece. Then it is completely unique and meaningful for the person. Today, tattooing is more than ink on skin; it is expression of the soul.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tips For You Before Getting a Tattoo

Want to find a tattoo design? When you have started the search, you may now feel a bit worried. The reason is obvious. The tattoo you choose will be staying with you forever. If you finally dislike the tattoo, you will regret definitely.

So, here are 8 top tips for your entire "tattoo journey", from the selection of the tattoo design to the after-care procedures.

Tip 1: Be Aware of the Tattoo Trends

People get inked for different purposes. Some may want to express a certain meaning while others want to follow trends. If you are in the latter group, you may want to pay attention to your choice carefully, especially the tattoo designs and tattoo placement.

In the tattoo industry, there are lots of trends arising. For example, the chain link design was popular in the past. People liked to ink this design around the ankle, bicep or wrist. However, most people regard this tattoo outdated now. You will never want to have an outdated tattoo on your skin.

For the placement, people especially women like to have the tattoo on the lower back. This is very popular until now. As there are more and more people choosing to get a lower back tattoo, a term "tramp stamps" has emerged. Some people think it is just for categorization. However some may consider the term offensive because it is sometimes used to mean a woman just follows the trend without thinking.

Of course it is completely alright to have whatever tattoo on wherever you like. As long as it meets your personality, no one can criticize it. Remember, do not make yourself regret after being inked.

Tip 2: Spend Time Finding the Best Tattoo

Finding a favorite tattoo design takes time but it totally worth it. There are ways for you to choose the tattoo.

The most convenient way is to choose from an online tattoo design gallery. You can search a number of this kind of websites over the Internet. Some of them are free while some require you to pay a small amount of one-time membership fee. Considering the importance of getting a tattoo that you will never regret, it is acceptable to join the membership programs because their tattoo designs are normally more creative and unique.

If you are tired of browsing the Internet, you could enter a local tattoo parlor and you will be given some books on tattoo designs. You may feel embarrassed that you have read their books but you finally do not ask the tattoo artist to do the job. However, do not think in this way. Go to more tattoo parlors and read more tattoo designs. The one who will wear the tattoo is you.

The third way to get a tattoo design is to DIY. You can draw one with your imagination. Just draw what you want to represent and then take it to the tattoo artist. You will then have a very unique tattoo.

Tip 3: Choose the Appropriate Part to Get Inked

Consider how painful you can tolerate during the tattoo procedure. If this is your first time getting a tattoo, you may want to choose a part that you are comfortable with.

It will be more painful if you choose to have the tattoo on bony areas like neck, ankle, spine, shoulders and hands. You will feel more comfortable if your tattoo is inked on thighs, buttocks, stomach or upper arm.

Tip 4: Test the Tattoo Design First

It is strongly advised that you get a henna design of the tattoo you choose on the part you want before getting the permanent one. This will allow you to wear the tattoo design for 1 to 2 weeks. You can feel if you really like the tattoo or not so that you will not regret in future.

Tip 5: Ask Others for Opinions

It is a good idea to ask your friends your family members how they feel about your tattoo design. But you also need to bear in mind that you are the one wearing the tattoo. Their thoughts should not play the most important role.

Tip 6: Be Careful of What to Take Before Getting the Tattoo

Some people say that drinking alcohol is helpful to reduce pain. I am not going to say it is wrong but it would be risky for you. Since alcohol can thin your blood, it will make you bleed more during the tattoo process. Also, some tattoo artist will refuse the tattooing once you have taken alcohol because it makes their job more difficult and risky.

If you really need something to reduce pain, you may ask the tattoo artist for advice. Normally, pain relievers like Motrin are allowed. But the best option is to ask the professionals, your tattoo artist.

Tip 7: Learn Tattoo Etiquette

Yes, you may not have heard this kind of thing but it is a good idea to keep yourself up-to-date with the tattoo etiquette. For example, your tattoo artist may ask if you are a tenderfoot. If you do not know the meaning, you may feel confused and your tattoo experience may be not the happiest one.

Tip 8: Pay Attention to After-care Procedures

Once you have the tattoo job done, listen carefully to the tattoo artist how you should take care of the tattoo. Ask them any question if you are not sure. It is important for you to keep the tattoo nicely.

We hope the above 8 tips will make your "tattoo journey" more enjoyable and comfortable. Remember that it is worth spending time on the small steps. Do not give yourself any opportunity to regret.

Finding the Best Back Tattoo Designs For You

Since your back is the flattest and widest part of your body, it makes some sense that it is perfect location for a tattoo. And since the "canvas" is so large, you can be creative with the back tattoo designs. A lot of people start off with a small tattoo design or two on their backs before migrating to a large tattoo that connects everything together.

And the process can cover a period of time because quite frankly, the large back tattoo designs requires a lot of thinking. And why? Obviously because the tattoo design covers a large area, it will be very difficult and expensive to remove if you have regrets. So for most people, taking it slow and easy by starting off with a back tattoo or two is the perfect way to go before going all out and getting a single large tattoo for the back area.

Again, I strongly urge you to put a lot of thought into your back tattoo design BEFORE you get it done! And for anyone who never had a tattoo done before, there is nothing wrong with getting a small tattoo or two at first. Just to see how you like them because tattoos are not for everyone.

To start off, I suggest that you check out the tattoo studios in your area. And take the time to explore the tattoo design possibilities. Do not feel rushed. If a tattoo artist tries to rush you or you feel uncomfortable with them, walk away and find someone else. But find a good tattoo artist that you absolutely feel good about. I say this for two reasons. First of all, that tattoo artist must be a good one, not necessarily a cheap one. Because many times, you get what you pay for. And tattoos are pretty permanent. So get a good one. The second thing that is very important is how they treat their equipment and how careful they are with it. It is very important for them to follow the regulations and rules to prevent passing any diseases to you. You only want a tattoo, not a death sentence or a lousy design imprinted on your back.

And when you do find a tattoo studio that looks promising. If the tattoo artist is good or has a lot of confidence in his or her abilities, they are going to allow you to look at their flash designs in books. If you find a design that you like, more the better! And the variety and depth of many tattoos will astonish you.

The flash tattoo designs that you find at the old-school tattoo studios will have animals of all kinds, butterflies, dragons, fantasy art, nature scenes, tribal style tattoos, Asian art and lettering, Celtic knots, flowers and skulls. You name it and they have it.

And your tattoo artist is going to have a portfolio of their best work in a book. And you may like one or two of them. My suggestion is to try to customize it a little so that your tattoo is original and fresh. Looking at the photographs of other back tattoo designs might give you some inspiration on what design that appeals to you.

Don't forget to do a little crawling on the Internet for some other back tattoo designs and ideas. There are sites that have a huge gallery of flash tattoo designs that you can download (usually for a fee) and print out for your tattoo artist to trace on your back.

Another good source for tattoo design ideas can be the tattoo magazines that you find at your bookstores. For those who are more creative and a pretty good artist can even design their own tattoo!

But even if you are NOT a good artist, don't let that stop you. There are tons of awesome tattoo designs that appeals to every single whim and taste. The only thing you need to decide on is the colors, shading and size of the tattoo. A good tattoo artist can help you out with that one.

And after you done your research, you can gather all the ideas together and try to come up with the most perfect tattoo design for you! And while trying to decide what exactly you want, consider a design that perfectly encapsulates of who you are and what you are all about. A great tattoo is one that reflects the best characteristics of you, one that inspires you to greatness, makes you laugh or makes you remember something very important and meaningful to you.

So there you are. You can choose to get a full back tattoo, a lower back tattoo, or a shoulder blade tattoo. The choice is yours but take the time to look at all the possible tattoo designs before choosing the final tattoo design for you. Doing so ensures that when you are getting tattooed, you know it is going to be a great one and you will be proud of it too. Tattoos are almost permanent and you will love it for the rest of your life.

So there you go. If you do your homework, the back tattoo designs can be a wonderful source of pride for you. You need to put in the time and energy to plan everything so there are no surprises like waking up with 56 tattoos on your face! And make sure that it is the tattoo that you really want and would love seeing on you every single time you see it.