Make functional pull chains pretty by camouflaging the chains with an assortment of glass beads.
Light Pull Chains
What You Need:
* 28-gauge wire
* Wire cutters
* Assorted sizes and colors of beads
* Needle-nose pliers
* Crimp beads
* Ball chain
1. Cut a 16-inch length of wire.
2. Arrange assorted sizes and colors of beads for a pleasing pattern. String beads on the wire. Wrap one end several times to keep beads from slipping off.
3. Put a crimp on the wire next to the bottom bead. Using pliers, squeeze the crimp flat to secure the beads. Fold excess wire and run back through several beads; then cut the excess off.
4. At other end, put a crimp next to the top bead and squeeze with pliers to secure beads. Cut wire, leaving 1/2 inch. Take the cover off a ball chain and wrap the wire end around the end of the chain. Replace cover. Take the chain joining piece off one end and cut ball chain to desired length. Replace the joining piece.
5. For the variation, bead three 6-inch pieces of wire and repeat Step 4, placing a crimp bead over all three wires.
Three-Strand Ceiling Fan Chain
What You Need:
* 28-gauge wire; wire cutters
* Assorted sizes and colors of beads
* 2--1-inch-long aqua glass beads
* 3 oval orange beads
* Opaque E beads in yellow and orange
* 3 round yellow beads
* Crimp beads; crimping tool
* Ball chain
1. Cut three pieces of wire 16 inches long. Twist the three strands together on one end to hold and prevent beads from sliding off. String six beads of various sizes and colors on all three strands of wire. Separate the wires and string 12 yellow opaque E beads on each of the three wires. String 5 various beads on the three wires together, then separate the wires and string 12 orange opaque E beads on each wire. String 3 assorted beads on the three wires together. Separate wires and string eight yellow opaque beads, and then one oval orange bead on each wire.
2. Put a crimp on each wire and push next to the orange bead. Squeeze the crimp flat to secure the beads. Fold excess wire and run back through several beads. Cut off the excess.
3. At other end, put a crimp next to the top bead and squeeze with pliers to secure beads. Cut wire, leaving 1/2 inch. Take the cover off a ball chain and wrap the wire end around the end of the chain. Replace cover. Take the chain-joining piece off one end and cut ball chain to the desired length. Replace the joining piece
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