Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mormon Tattoo - Piercing Controversy

For years, decorative tattoos and piercings are not a real problem for members of the Mormon Church. Until 2000, there was only one reference to a tattoo in all of Mormon teaching and in 1965 the unofficial personal publication Mormon Doctrine by Mormon Apostle, Bruce R. McConkie. It states: "Tattooing is a desecration of the human body and should not be allowed, except for all those involved is to place the blood type or an identification number that is not clear where Latter-day Saint soldiers are specifically counseled to avoid. Trap tattoo. People with tattoos are not, however, denied the ordinances and blessings of the temple. "

In the General Conference in October 2000 the first of many "council" of the tattoo was announced.

"We - the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve - have taken the position, and I quote, that" the Church inhibits tattoos. It also discourages the piercing of the body other than for medical purposes, although it does not take a position on pierced ears by women for at least one pair of earrings "President Gordon B. Hinckley.

At that time my husband and I are very active, temple recommend holding members of the congregation and has been operating a tattoo studio without prejudice for many years. We never treated badly or shunned by members of our Ward or Stake. Stake President's wife more than once to bring our children into our studio to get a tattoo. It's a non issue that one way I billed myself in the ad are we kazoo Mormon Girl Tattoo Artist.

Since then we both have experienced a lot of discussion and debate about right or wrong way to get and do tattoos and piercings. At first I will defend my choice of professions use the scriptures, but eventually I got bored and started asking those who questioned me to explain to me what a terrible thing that will happen in our society if everyone has a tattoo? After all, sin is the things that violate the golden rule and keep us from loving one another, instead of things like, what clothes we wear or how we do our hair.

Now, eight years later the subject of tattoos and piercings all have I think made it out of hand. Now it is not so surprising to find that the local church authorities, such as bishops, stake presidents and temple presidents who took it upon themselves to punish members who choose to get tattoos. Not just in Utah, but throughout the world. This became such a big issue that people leave the church over it.

Some people who have tattoos are told to not take the sacrament and others are not allowed access to the temple. Some were advised not to marry those who have tattoos and piercings. As having been a student 30 + years of Mormonism and its history I feel that this behavior is inconsistent with the teachings of Mormonism, or Christianity in any way.

Mormons are not the only religion that superstition to believe that tattoos are evil and should be avoided because they are expected to result in a worse sin. Christian churches and Jewish rabbi did as well. And there is good reason for a religion to not want to herd them to get tattoos or piercings.

Getting a tattoo is not only change how you look but also change the way you think and feel about yourself. This is a clear message that you feel that you are the owner of your body and worse of all (religious leaders), mind you!

Historically tattoos have been used as an expression of faith and commitment. One would think that getting a tattoo symbol you confidence in yourself to be driven. However, because the history of American tattooing and popularization of tattoos, the tattoo is being presented by the media and politicians as harmless entertainment. This is not new to the counter-culture of decoration is seen as repulsive to many of the elders of our society.

When I heard at the General Conference that President Gordon Hinckley (the current President of the Mormon Church) do not like tattoos and piercings, some I'm not surprised. Tattoo he has exposed in his youth are usually not very well done, or artistic. Unlike today, tattooed men of his generation, especially in social Utah may come back only to attract criminals or abusive military men, ordinary people are not flush with the family and living a good account.

For further injury to one's personal opinion that states fashion as if it is the law of God, President Hinckley allows for a kind of permanent change to the appearance of decorative and not others, which seems hypocritical to me. Mr. Hinckley allow the church for women to have their faces with permanent cosmetic tattooing and piercing wearing earrings, (but only one pair - one in each ear) as being socially acceptable in its peer group.

I feel that religious leaders do not know the history of tattooing as a spiritual exercise and generally underestimate the tattoos and piercings as immoral behavior and reckless rebellion because they do not want their followers to look like everyone else. This is a game of power and nothing more. If they can control the way you see them going to control the way you think and feel.

I suspect that the exclusion of people with tattoos and piercings is really a part of the whole elitist mindset Mormonism in Utah. Those who do not do their homework are sure to believe that if you look like Gentiles (all non-Mormon), you will act like a Gentile, which means that you are a Mormon without God and basically led by the devil.

However it has been my experience that the tattoo does not lead to sin. Being ill-informed and willing to blindly follow without question is what causes sin and personal disgrace.

If you are LDS and are still considering a tattoo, you should first ask yourself this question. Is my tattoo choice reflect my beliefs or they would distract from my message of who I am. Do I get a tattoo because I wanted to capture an event in my life, beliefs, or to rebel against mainstream culture? Is this going to tattoo or piercing to prevent my being a good person? The answers to these questions will tell you if you do the right things or react badly to your community. It is my opinion that if you feel you have a tattoo would be a positive thing that is healthier for you, then by all means do your own good judgment and free choice and get one.

Keep in mind that in reality "is Tattooings not only ornaments ... they are not just a symbol of royalty and a symbol of rank in the social hierarchy: they are also full of messages with spiritual and moral significance ... not only to embed the image into the meat but also to cap the all the traditions and philosophy of the mind "-. Claude Levi Strauss

Personally I believe that tattoos in and of themselves can not be bad and I do not believe that God cares one way or another if you have one or not, unless you have a tattoo that alienate and hurt others. Then the real problem is how do you feel about other people and not the tattoo itself.

People have the right to adorn themselves how they want. Some people like to put a picture on their body and some people do not. It is all a matter of personal taste. I feel it is wrong to subject my taste on other people and I expect the same in return courteousness.

This attitude is healthy and normal. This is how the great world in which the Mormon lifestyle is not done by the majority. Would not the world a perfect place if we could all live our own mind and appreciate the good things out there rather than pick on other people for being different?

You can do good or evil with everything on this earth. As the weight of the tattoos I have many more opportunities to love and serve others through tattoos and has a tattoo of them before me. I should be more patient and tolerant. Especially have I had to learn to be more patient and tolerant with those who claim to be "spiritual leader" because they put the words in the mouth of God rather than follow what they claim God has spoken.

I have found that most people who have tattoos more open and friendly towards others. I have found that for most people who wear tattoos are part of the people are very nice. There are some people I met to whom their tattoos serve more as a warning to stay away from an invitation to meet them. What I think is also a good thing because it has saved me much time to help me to avoid an unpleasant interaction with them.

Most people have a personal philosophy of their spiritual tattoos on them and it became a way to open the opportunity to talk about spiritual things. In a world where we are taught to be afraid of our neighbor's good to have a way to really get to know people around you. It is nice to have a bond together despite all the other social differences.

If you already have a tattoo and are having problems of social rejection is wise to remember that things change quickly in the church. I would not be surprised to find that in 20 years of having a tattoo will not be a problem at all. Music that evil preached against in the 60 and 70 are now playing regularly at church dances and Coke and Pepsi drinkers who denied temple recommends in the 1970s can now go to the temple although their soda habit. It is all a matter of perspective generation, which will inevitably change as parents eventually die.

Tattoo You may end up a mess

Tattoo aftercare is very important for the health of your new tattoo, and should not be ignored. Many people believe that once the sewing is completed, their tattoo is key, but it's far from reality. The fact is that unless you properly care for your new tattoo, it can easily fade, lose saturation, flake, scar, or you could wind up with an infected mess on your body.

But if you ask a dozen tattoo artists how to care for a new tattoo, you'll probably get a dozen different answers. The conclusion is that no one knows exactly what will work for everyone, so your best bet is to follow a conservative, consensus-driven aftercare procedure.

Before getting into any specifics, it is important that you follow the instructions you right tattoo artist. If their guidance conflicts with this article, always refer to their instructions. But in the absence of direction, this is what you need to know.

Tattoo Aftercare Do
  •     Whether using approved aftercare moisturizer / healing cream
  •     Do leave your initial bandage over your tattoo for at least four to six hours, but no more than 12 hours
  •     Do not keep your tattoo from direct contact with water (including bathrooms)
  •     Do not keep the tattoo moisturized
  •     Do not pat your skin dry when the tattooed area gets wet
Tattoo Aftercare Prohibition
  •     Do not expose tattoo to sunlight until healed
  •     Do not submerge your tattoo in water, and especially avoid chlorinated water
  •     Do not let your tattoo dry out completely
  •     Do not over moisturize the tattoo
  •     Do not pick scabs tattoos
  •     Do not cover your tattoo with a bandage after the initial bandages have been removed
  •     Do not scratch, bruise, or allow anything to rub against your tattoo with friction
Tattoo Aftercare Procedures

1) Four to six hours after you leave the tattoo parlor, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. You'll want to make sure that your hands are free from dirt, germs, or any contagious.

2) Carefully remove the bandage is placed over your tattoo parlor. With a mild antibacterial soap, carefully wash the tattooed area, removing one of the greasy covering, ink residue, blood, etc. You will know the area is clean when it just feels like wet leather. Be very gentle with your skin. Moisturize your skin dry - do not brush or rub dry.

3) Apply a thin layer of moisturizer / healing ointment. Popular brands recommended at parlors include A & D Ointment, Neosporin, and Bacitracin. There are also tattoo-specific products designed specifically for the aftercare, and they include Tattoo Goo, H2Ocean Aftercare, and Cream Black Cat Tattoo. If you have a tattoo of a large, expensive, or a tattoo with deep colors that you want to protect, they may be worth the investment.

4) Three to four times per day, apply a thin layer of antibacterial ointment / healing for tattoos. You will want to use enough to moisten the tattooed area, but not so much to leave streaks or allow it to build. Your goal is to moisturize the area only, so start with a small amount and work it in with your fingers.

The problem with the ink fades over skin moisturizing. If you slather on a thick layer of Neosporin and keep it moist throughout the day, the tattoo might heal in just over a week - but the ink will fade. However, if you lightly coat the area three to four times per day, your tattoo might take two to three weeks to heal, but the color will be set correctly. The lesson to learn is not necessarily a quick healing healing properly.

5) Cover the tattoo with a light, loose clothing, and realize that your tattoo. Do not scratch or pick your tattoo! If you must, gently slap the skin or using alcohol to relieve any itching or irritation.

Although there may seem to be quite a few steps to follow, they are quite simple. The bottom line is that you need to consider your tattoo, and allows the body to heal itself as naturally as possible. You'll do anything to help that process, but you do not want to rush it - it just helps. If you can do it, and stay diligent with your care for 2 to 3 weeks, you will be blessed with a rich tattoo that can be enjoyed for years.

Following these steps will ensure that your tattoo heals quickly and properly, and will help the ink set and remains vibrant and bold. Then you can enjoy your new tattoo for a lifetime.

Tattoo Tips Important Steps to Consider First

So you decide you want to get a tattoo, now you're just itching to run to your local tattoo shop and trace the design onto your skin. There are many important things you need to consider before taking the final step into the tattoo chair.

If you're like most people, once you have decided on the fact that you will get a "sign" you want to get it done soon to see the results. Important to remember that acting quickly can lead to undesirable results. As I'm sure you've heard many times, the tattoo may be with you for life. The design will be a constant reminder of your perseverance in thinking your ideas through to the core - or unfortunate reminder spontaneous mistake you made.

So, what kind of things you should consider and think thoroughly before taking the final step?

1. Be SURE your design:
I highly recommend to design meaningful to you and not just a popular trend of the times. Mode tattoo to fade and you will remain. Many people regret getting tattoos band name, the name or names of friends who they were dating. No matter how much we think we are solid opinion, over time, change our view.

How do you get the design you want that matter to you?

One way is to find one. There are many sites across the internet hosting artwork from tattoo artists and others. Chances are likely you will find a design you like, although it may take time and patience to find it. Moreover, while there are some decent free hosting site which tattoo designs, many sites require you to subscribe or pay a small fee to access their services. If you find the perfect tattoo is important to you, then it may be worth the money to pay for the design itself.

Another way is to look through the designs in the tattoo parlor. Most, if not all tattoo parlors will have lots of books full of tattoo designs that may be of interest to you. If you go this route, be sure to not get one right away. Take time to think about it, considering the next steps in this article.

The third way is to draw the design, or have a friend draw a design for you. Many tattoo artists will work with you to edit the images that you have done to make it more attractive to you, so that in many cases even a rough sketch will work fine.

2. Know exactly where you want to get your tattoo.
Keep in mind that some areas of the body will be more painful during the tattoo process than others. If you are sensitive, or if this is your first tattoo and you are afraid of pain, making tattoos in your area will be happy with, that will hurt less.

Tattoo it on the bones of your body hurt more than the tattoo on the fleshy area. Thus, the tattoo on his ankle, spine, hands, neck, and shoulders can be hurt again. Tattoos in areas such as upper arm, abdomen, thighs and buttocks will hurt less as the needle will not be just above the bone.

3. Take the tattoo for a test drive.
Before committing to the permanence of tattoos, get a henna tattoo design your future in the area you want. This will allow you to use the design as if it were a tattoo for 1-2 weeks and see what it looks like on your body. Get Henna designs will also prepare you to sit still during the process of tattooing.

4. Get the opinions of others.
Obtain the opinion of friends and family can be important in the decision making process. However, it is important to remember that this design will end up in your body so that the final decision should be up to you and you alone.

5. Know what to expect when getting your tattoo
Many people say tattoos are not comfortable but not too painful. Know what level and type of pain should you expect from a tattoo and what steps you can take to minimize the pain. For example, many people think that getting drunk and / or drink alcohol before getting a tat they will numb the pain. This is a bad idea and can lead to a tattoo artist refuses to work on you. Alcohol thins your blood, which will make you bleed more, making the process difficult for tattoo artists and bad for you. Motrin or other over the counter pain relievers may help a little and generally allowed. If you are considering this step, talk to your tattoo artist before taking the drug.

6. Tattoo Etiquette:
In addition to knowing how many and what type of pain is expected, it is also important to obtain information about your tattoo etiquette. Yes, there is such a thing and to make your experience the best tattoo for you and the artist you have to brush up on etiquette tips tattoo.

Are you a rookie? Tattoos do not exactly know the slang before you have to get a tattoo, but it can help you less confused when listening to the conversation around the store during the process.

7. You know after the treatment procedure.
Once you've completed tattooed, tattoo artists will give you some hints on caring for your tattoo. These instructions are important to follow to ensure your tattoo does not scar or missing in some parts.

Long-term after treatment is important also because it will keep you from getting a tattoo to fade too much from time to time and look less than appealing. If you do not end up fading over the next few years, you can always get a touch up. But why waste money, illness and time on your existing tattoos, instead of avoiding it all together?

With simple steps, you will be more satisfied with their tattoos and more comfortable with the process of tattooing as a whole. Spend a little time to think over your decision will save you time, pain and shame may be later.

How to Make Your Tattoo

Once you decide to get a tattoo on your body, the next most important thing is to determine the design you want to have. Some people randomly choose any design of tattoo art gallery or one suggested by tattoo artists. Some people may not be satisfied with the designs available but often can not reflect your true personality. Tattoo tells a story and it must be unique to identify you as being unique. And if you want to have a unique tattoo, it is better to design your own tattoo.

Start Designing Your Tattoo

One does not need to be an artist to design a tattoo. All it takes is your willingness to work out the ideas and create a tattoo design. The first thing in designing a tattoo is to ask yourself what you want to have it as a tattoo. You may have a tattoo that commemorates some occasions like the birth of your child, your wedding day or the name of someone close to you. Or you may have a design that would relate to the goals and ambitions, or one that reflects your personality. You have to design a tattoo design with which you can connect with.

How To Find A Tattoo Design

Every artist needs inspiration to create works of fine art. For all, a beginner, designing something, we should do some research. People may look at other tattoo designs, which will give you some rough idea and will help you in creating your design. There are many free online tattoo designs available, from where you can select a bit and re-start on them. But free designs available are outdated and it is better to browse the unique design is available in several membership fee.

How to Find an Artist

Having your own unique tattoo design is ready, the next thing is to find a tattoo artist. Many tattoo parlors are willing to tattoo your own artwork. To get the perfect design, tattoo artists have to be very talented, so he can freehand your unique tattoo. Find an expert artist may be difficult, but many tattoo galleries also offer a holistic service provides a directory of tattoo parlors nearby.

How to Test Your Tattoo

Before actually placing the tattoo design on your body, you may want to try it on your body with temporary tattoos. There are several online sites that let you upload your own tattoo designs. A temporary tattoo made of it and will send it to you so that you can practice putting a tattoo on your body.

Get a Tattoo on Your Body
Now that you've spent most of the time and are designed uniquely your own tattoo, now is the time to get a tattoo on the body at the location you want. You have to find a tattoo parlor near to your place and get inked! Sometimes it may seem that, design a tattoo is a very tedious process, but given that it will be forever in your body, it is worth the effort, unless you want to remove it with some of the tattoo removal process. Spend time designing a tattoo will make you more meaningful.

Places to Get Your Body Tattoo

For tattoo lovers, there are no restricted areas. Just as a painter, the body becomes your canvas, and every body part you are free to get a tattoo design of your choice. For those who love tattoos but have not decided on the best parts of their bodies to get their next design tat, here is a list of 25 best places to get a tattoo, as well as several options for the next design.

1) Biceps / Upper Arm

Perhaps one of the most common place to get a tattoo, a variety of different designs can go on the biceps. This is one of the most visible parts of your body (assuming you do not often wear long sleeves) and, more importantly, whatever it is. Because this area is very easy to hide, no matter what tattoo design you choose. Flaming heart, skull, in love with your mother - there is no limit to the artwork you choose.

2) Ankle

Ankle, especially in women (but fine for a man) is a great place to get a tattoo. The key here is to choose a tattoo design of a small and easy to see, like stars or hearts. If you choose something too complicated, it seems someone else as if you have a problem with skin color.

3) Wrist

One of the more popular tattoo designs today is to get inked on your arm bracelet. People want to switch their accessories all the time, but for those who just like to see some color on their wrists, this is a great place to get the design.

4) Lower Back

But other locations popular with women, a tattoo on my lower back has gotten a bad reputation lately, but still a great place to get a more complicated design and symmetrical, especially those that do not have special meaning. The most common tribal tattoo, but the Chinese characters are very popular here.

5) Chest

For men, tattoos on the chest can be anything. Dada is a place that most men get a bigger design their tattoos - and the skin area is used as an extension for a piece of artwork that stretches the entire body. For women, this is less frequent. Most often women put a small tattoo on the breast, rather than something more complicated. Be careful what you get, such as loose can actually damage the design more complicated, and it is much more common in women than in men.

6) Back of the Neck

Such as the ankle, the back of the neck is a better place for small tattoo designs, as something too obvious to give the impression of a change in skin color. But the back of the neck is a good place for a star, a cross, and a variety of other symmetrical design.

7) Belly Button

Navel is one of the most respected in the whole body. The same applies to body art, in which the navel can be decorated in various ways both sexy and artistic.

8) Wrist

The wrist is another area of ​​the body that seems as if to be used more than it is. Almost all people - men and women - wear some kind of bracelets every day. Most of the time that the band only replaced if lost or damaged. You can easily decorate areas of your wrist with the tattoo design, providing you with essentially a permanent bracelet that will never be lost and can always be added to.

9) feet

Unlike the ankle, the foot is a great place for the intricate designs you choose. Most of the day no socks, your feet and skin color often do not match the tone of your legs, that see the sun again. For that, your legs are often prominent when they are naked. So why not decorate them with attractive piece of artwork that you can show off to others?

10) Finger

You have a choice here between a complex design that includes the entire finger, or a smaller design that resembles a ring, much the same way you can adorn your wrist with a bracelet. Full design that covers the entire finger is often very attractive, but be sure and check to see how they change the way your hands look before you finish one.

11) Shoulder

Shoulder is a great place for a tattoo design, especially the more decorative of the item (for example, is more than just artistic skull or something more concrete). Shoulder tattoo designs often resemble the style of those on the lower back, because they tend to have the same swing of artistic interest. Tribal tattoos are very common.

12) Mons pubis

Some women want to get a tattoo on the mons pubis, which is a small mound of skin just above the female genitalia. There are several designs that can actually look quite good in this area, but be warned that getting inked there can be very painful.

13) eyeballs

It happened. Some people enjoy getting a small tattoo on their eyeballs. Let this be the last place you get a tattoo, because it is likely the most painful and there are very few designs that really stand out on the soft tissues.

14) Ass

A very delicate area that few people will notice unless you let them? A great place for whatever tattoo you want. Rump has a lot of skin was clear, with little bumps that can mess up your design. If you have a specific design you want more than anything and you are not sure if it would look good in other places, your butt is the way to go. This area is prone to sagging, so if you need a reason to go to the gym, there you go.

15) Upper Back

Such as the buttocks, upper back and the skin has a lot of little bumps that can ruin your design. It also does not sag as much. But as often happens with body art, when something is as visible as the upper back, usually a good idea to choose a tattoo design that is more symmetrical. Upper back is also a great place for words and phrases, you should love this type of artwork.

16) Arm

There are no specific rules about tattoo forearm. Almost every design style seems to work, and rare works of art look as if it were a change in skin color. That said, they are quite visible, so you must make sure your workplace is fine with your ink.

17) Stomach

Your stomach is a large canvas. It has a lot of skin, visible only when you want, and when it expands from the age / weight gain is usually done in a rather complicated, so the design runs with it.

18) The scrotum

Some people like to get a tattoo in the scrotum. It can be painful and some people will see it, but hey - it's skin, and it's yours. Knock yourself.

19) Love Handles

Many times the side of your stomach is used to extend other designs, such as the chest, back, or abdomen. But the side of your body should not be ignored, and the love handle area you can easily design your own entry if you have something unique that will work there.

20) Hamstrings

The back of your legs tend to stay very fit as you age, so it is a good place to get a tattoo design if you're worried about damaging the design sagging or stretching. Tribal tattoo designs do not work well here as they do in other areas, but you can still find some decent, more complicated designs that fit in this area.

21) Betis

Much like the hamstrings calves, unless there is a lack of appropriate skin design, so it's usually better to keep it a little more simple design, unless you plan to wrap around the foot. Some more fun designs appear on the calves including peacock feathers and Chinese watercolor.

22) face

The most devout lover of tattoos using their entire body as their canvas, and the face is still a part of your body. If not for the stigma associated with those who get tattooed face, one can bet that they will be more common, but unfortunately the facial tattoos can make it difficult to get a job or make a good first impression with someone more conservative. That said, do not forget that you can always make a very small design that fits in these areas. Some people want to put a little star on the edge of their brows, and is not too flashy and more socially acceptable.

23) On Head

If you can commit to be bald, you can commit to a tattoo on your scalp. For many people, tattoos are an extension of the one in the neck, but then again, it was widely the perfect canvas for all types of body art.

24) The front of the neck

One thing to avoid with a tattoo design on the front of the neck - you want to ensure it does not blend with the chest tattoo and it looks as though it were some kind of an extensive body hair.

25) Perineum

Place the end you can get inked is a place that not even your lover might see. The perineum is the area of ​​skin between your genitals and anus - can hardly be seen even for those who seek it. But still an available patch of skin, and is a pleasant place to put a small tattoo of a secret for just you to enjoy. This area is more noticeable in women than in men, so women should be careful to put something that can appreciate a - like a star, or something else cute and small - while men have to make sure that they choose a tattoo design that will not look sick, like a word or picture is less complicated.

Do not Regret First Tattoo Design

Angelina Jolie has a tattoo of a great amount of literature on his right forearm, reads: Bob Thornton (actor and former husband and Ms. Jolie). 50 Cent, rapper of the coolest, must remove his many tattoos designs (especially those in the arm) to not inhibit his own Hollywood career. Haydin Panettiere has a nice tattoo on her hip writing, reading: "Vivere senza rimipianti", which is Italian and means: to live without regret.

The problem is, his tattoos are not really studied Italian in school and "rimipianti" is misspelled words with no meaning at all. It's something like: "Life without regretis". Which is not a tragic mistake for a scholar, but can you imagine having it tattooed for 30 inches on your hips?

Am I trying to persuade you to get a tattoo? No, not at all. I've met quite a lot of people are really fascinated by body art, tattoo design and skin art in general, but at the same time very afraid to take risks, they never got one.

Angelina Jolie, H. Panettiere and 50 Cent is just an example of how bad tattoos come out if you do not follow a few, simple general rule that everyone should know and follow before getting inked.

The first rule - never, I mean NEVER get your partner's name tattooed on your skin. How many times this has been said and written? I think it's the most famous phrase after "small step for a man, a big step forward for humanity" ...

Even so, many people decide to get a tattoo as a symbol of their love. I am quite a romantic person, I like to think about eternal love forever, but being romantic does not mean we have to lie to myself and to be hypocritical. How many people do you know who have been together for over 20 years? I know very, very few of them. A tattoo lasts more than 20 years. It's just a matter of probability. Think before you ink.

Take Megan Fox for example. He has a tattoo on her pelvic area, it reads "Brian", the name of her current boyfriend, Brian Austin Green. The problem is they've split up several times over the last few years. Someone asked him what he would do with his tattoo should they leave each other once and for all. The answer is "I could have a son and name him Brian." Would not it be great to grow up and find out the name of your chosen tattoo just to justify your mother?

Second rule: if you get a tattoo inscriptions in foreign languages, realized what the strange words mean. Panettiere tattoo is just an example. Have you noticed how many people have got a Chinese tattoo designs? Do you really think people really know what the symbols mean? I had read once about a woman and her Chinese tattoo designs. He wanted a symbol for freedom, but he had to find out he got the symbol for "Free", as "free". In China, the two concepts have nothing to do with one another. But he asked for the symbol "Free" and that's what he got.

Third rule: Think about why you want a tattoo. Tattoo designs can be very interesting, they are just beautiful and it was nice to show them during the summer. But if that is what you get your tattoo, rather than considering having a tattoo design of a permanent rather than temporary. Temporary tattoo designs are as beautiful as the real thing. They just fade away after a while, so you can get a new one next summer. Permanent tattoos are for people, who really likes the body art. They want to show them off, but that's no reason why they get inked. Tattoos are representing a lifestyle. Think about it.

If you really want a tattoo but you do not have a clue about what kind of tattoo design you want, then you are on the wrong path. May design a temporary tattoo can help you make up your mind. Never surf through forums and Q & A site asking for ideas. You have your own reasons for getting a permanent tattoo design inked on your skin.

Fourth rule: Choose the correct Artist!

Do not be signed by a friend just because she's so fun to do it for free! Do not let the needle was amateurish 'touch your skin. Get a pro to do it and be sure to get information about her skills as a tattoo artist and the hygienic condition of the store.

Do not trust cheap tattoo artwork. Quality costs something.

Inform yourself about your favorite style of tattoo. Does not apply to the portrait of the artist special tribal tattoo designs.

Once you choose a tattoo artist and you've got a credible new artwork that draws you in your skin, be sure to follow the instructions on the healing period.

Fifth and Last Rule: Do not tattoo over the summer. Every new tattoo needs time to heal. Sweat can aggravate a new tattoo, and so does the sun and sea water. That's why the cold weather months are the best for your new tattoo healing process.