Have you have just met the woman of your dreams and you want to leave no stone unturned to woo her? You will have to impress your girl in order to win a date with her. Valentine’s Day is approaching and you may not have much time to try your chances. Below given are some top romantic dating tips for guys to help them in their romantic endeavors on V-Day. Go through dating advice for men and learn how to get that perfect woman for yourself. We do not assure that you will become a pro, but will definitely not remain a novice!
Dating Advice for Men
* Respect your woman. Respect is essential, if you see any longevity in the relationship, or even otherwise. Do not make comments that outrage her modesty and be a decent company, so that she looks forward to see you on more dates.
* A little bit of chivalry never killed anyone! Women love a bit of chivalry every now and then. Do don't forget to open the restaurant door when she enters and pull the chair for her like a real gentleman. Just don't overdo it; she might think you are a wimp.
* Take a beautiful bouquet of flowers for her. On Valentine’s Day, giving roses makes more sense. You can choose the color of rose according to your comfort level with the girl. It creates a good impression as no women on earth will mind roses on a date. This will also convey to her that she is special for you and that your intentions are serious.
* Be well-groomed. Looks do matter and go a long way in establish lasting impressions about you. Make sure you are dressed nicely and smell good. Take care that you don’t bathe in deodorant as she might just faint!
* Compliment your woman as soon as you see her. Just make sure your comment sounds genuine and heart-felt. Women have the ability to see through fake compliments, but they will appreciate anything that comes straight from the heart.
* Avoid asking too personal questions like about her ex, or anything potentially embarrassing. Don't be too inquisitive about her personal life. Allow her to speak for herself and listen carefully when she does!
* Do not point out flaws, unless you want to make her sulk throughout the date. You obviously don’t mind some of her flaws, since she is so special for you.
* If it is just your first date with the girl, don't expect too much on your first date. Enjoy the experience and try to make it so enjoyable that your girl looks forward to fix some more dates with you.
Dating Advice for Men
* Respect your woman. Respect is essential, if you see any longevity in the relationship, or even otherwise. Do not make comments that outrage her modesty and be a decent company, so that she looks forward to see you on more dates.
* A little bit of chivalry never killed anyone! Women love a bit of chivalry every now and then. Do don't forget to open the restaurant door when she enters and pull the chair for her like a real gentleman. Just don't overdo it; she might think you are a wimp.
* Take a beautiful bouquet of flowers for her. On Valentine’s Day, giving roses makes more sense. You can choose the color of rose according to your comfort level with the girl. It creates a good impression as no women on earth will mind roses on a date. This will also convey to her that she is special for you and that your intentions are serious.
* Be well-groomed. Looks do matter and go a long way in establish lasting impressions about you. Make sure you are dressed nicely and smell good. Take care that you don’t bathe in deodorant as she might just faint!
* Compliment your woman as soon as you see her. Just make sure your comment sounds genuine and heart-felt. Women have the ability to see through fake compliments, but they will appreciate anything that comes straight from the heart.
* Avoid asking too personal questions like about her ex, or anything potentially embarrassing. Don't be too inquisitive about her personal life. Allow her to speak for herself and listen carefully when she does!
* Do not point out flaws, unless you want to make her sulk throughout the date. You obviously don’t mind some of her flaws, since she is so special for you.
* If it is just your first date with the girl, don't expect too much on your first date. Enjoy the experience and try to make it so enjoyable that your girl looks forward to fix some more dates with you.